Medical Oncology Group of Australia (MOGA)
The Medical Oncology Group of Australia (MOGA) is the peak representative body for medical oncologists in Australia. The Association works closely with Government, health organisations, affiliated international associations and societies, industry, consumer advocacy groups and learned colleges throughout Australia to improve and develop the profession of medical oncology and the management of cancer nationwide. MOGA is a Specialty Society of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and maintains strong strategic alliances, working in close collaboration with many professional organisations and agencies in Australia and overseas such the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia, European Society for Medical Oncology, National Clinical Trails Groups, The Cancer Council of Australia and the National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre.
The Medical Oncology Group of Australia aims to:
- promote the advancement of knowledge and the practice of medicine in the field pertaining to medical oncology for the benefit of the community.
- promote and maintain the highest standards of medical oncology practice and ethics throughout the community.
- promote research relevant to clinical practice and medical oncology.
- represent members in medical matters relevant to medical oncology practice.
- cooperate with and advise medical or other bodies interested in medical oncology practice and the mangement of neoplastic disease.
-promote and facilitate the distribution of information relevant to medical oncology practice throughout the community
For more information, contact
Medical Oncology Group of Australia
Level 7,
149 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW
Mailing address
145 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone +61 (02) 8247 6210
Fax +61 (02) 9247 3022
